The Employer may take a tax deduction for their contributions and employees may also take a tax deduction for their personal contributions.
In a challenging hiring environment, employers are leveraging benefits as a recruitment and retention tool. Adding a Qualified Retirement Plan to your benefits package can make your business stand out from the competition.
Have the ability to customize your Qualified Plan to maximize contributions for you and your Key Employees.
When you partner with Nexus Administrators, Inc., we will reduce your time and effort spent on your Qualified Retirement Plan leaving you the time to focus on your company’s objectives and goals.
Here at Nexus Administrators, we work closely with Employers to understand their objectives when implementing a new retirement plan for employees. We are also committed to understanding the personal objectives of the business owners. Whether your goals are employee recruitment and retention or maximizing the benefits to key employees, we can help you select the right plan for your company. After working with you to determine your goals, Nexus Administrators will advise you as to what plan design will best accomplish these objectives.
Nexus Administrators interacts with your financial advisor to efficiently set up a new plan or transition your existing plan from your current provider. We work with key personnel to streamline the tasks involved and to educate them regarding important aspects of the plan. If the thought of changing providers seems overwhelming, Nexus Administrators will take a hands-on approach making this transition as easy and seamless as possible. We will draft the takeover letter to your prior TPA for your signature, set up contacts and communication between all key players, and send you a list of items needed for the takeover.
Retirement plan design and setup is only the beginning of a long collaborative relationship between the Plan Sponsor and Nexus Administrators. Nexus Administrators offers full service retirement plan administration for all types of retirement plans. Our services are designed to keep you and your employees informed about your Plan to keep you in compliance with ERISA guidelines.
Our services include, but are not limited to, the following: